Getting Personal: The Benefits of Creating Customer Segments

How to define your audience

One of the challenges I frequently encounter when onboarding new digital marketing clients is helping them understand, and often redefine, their target demographic by breaking it down into customer segments. As I guide my clients through a series of activities and workshops to get a better, more granular idea of who their target customers are […]

What Large Brands Get Wrong About Their Social Media Marketing Strategy

It’s no secret that social media is a powerful marketing tool. But all too often, brands make the mistake of thinking that their only goal should be to sell products and services… To “Promote”. In reality, social media can (and really should) be used to build a sense of community through strengthening relationships with customers, […]

Will Your Email Marketing Strategy Still be Effective in 2023?

Myth: Email is dead Fact: Email marketing remains the number one tool that businesses use to build trust, educate, and nurture their relationships. Although it may not feel like the most alluring form of communication, it is certainly proven, effective, and offers a direct channel to get in front of your highest value audiences in […]

13 Best Free or Freemium Keyword Research Tools in 2023

Digital marketing is constantly evolving and changing, and the new trends keep digital marketers and businesses on their toes. Effective marketers are always on the lookout for new ways to reach their customers. Tapping into new tools and digital marketing trends could mean viral brand exposure, more sales, and/or rapid company growth.

SEO Marketing Strategies that delivers results in 2023

SEO is a win-win strategy for any business. Tapping into Google’s 89.3 Billion monthly visits in 2022 can help you grow fast and generate long-term results by giving customers more information about the products or services they offer, while also helping them find what they need quickly. Estimates show that every year businesses with good […]

Benefits of Google Analytics 4 (Data Control, Cross-Platform Tracking, More)

A Comprehensive Guide To Google Analytics 4 GA4 can provide invaluable insights along with other benefits like more control over data, cross-platform tracking, and deep AI-driven insights. Discover all the benefits it has for your business. Google will phase out Universal Analytics by July 1, 2023, that’s why we highly recommend all brands to set […]

10 Digital Marketing Trends Happening Now in 2022

Digital marketing is constantly evolving and changing, and the new trends keep digital marketers and businesses on their toes. Effective marketers are always on the lookout for new ways to reach their customers. Tapping into new tools and digital marketing trends could mean viral brand exposure, more sales, and/or rapid company growth.

The Power of Engaged Brand Communities

2020 has been a little like going nine rounds, blindfolded, against a fighter two weight classes higher and ten times faster. Somehow — almost illogically — we keep getting up. Back in March, we suggested the adversity of this year had triggered our innate drive to protect each other. Five months later, an irrefutably remarkable, astonishingly […]

Primed for Disruption: The Chef Local Launch

This is going to sound like a blatant flex, but our team scored a huge win in the midst of COVID and the truth is, we’re pretty pumped about it. Chef Local went from cool concept to revenue-generating business in 8 weeks. Before we explain what Chef Local is, allow us to introduce the guy who started […]